SmartDie - Price and Delivery

SmartDie includes several modules including Artwork's GDSFILT and GDS2DXF Translator. Therefore we have decided to offer our existing users of ASM 3500 a very significant discount to SmartDie since they have already invested in some of the modules.
WAN licenses are available as well for world wide usage.
WAN upgrade price is 50% from the LAN price.

Smart Die for AutoCAD 2014-2022



(single computer)
Annual Support

Floating LAN Network License
Annual Support

$450 per year

$600 per year

Ordering Information

U.S. and Canada International
Hagai Pettel
Customer Service
Tel 831 426-6163

Contact your international distributor if one is set up in your country. Check the International Distributor List. If none listed contact Artwork directly:

Hagai Pettel
Customer Service
Tel 831 426-6163