Supported Wafer Map FormatsAs we started working with the SINF file format for wafer maps we immediately were provided with a number of wafer maps that did not follow the required syntax. We had to add both new parser routines and also prompt the user for information that should have -- but wasn't -- been present in some of these sample files. SINFThe SINF [Simplified Integrator Nested Format] spec consists of a header section followed by Row data. It is a simplified subset of the INF results file from KLA Tencor. The basic structure is shown below: Header DEVICE:xxx identification assigned by originator LOT:xxx identification assigned by originator WAFER:xxx identification assigned by originator FNLOC:180 wafer flat position (0=TOP,90=RIGHT,180=BOT 270=LEFT) ROWCT:62 number of rows COLCT:63 number of columns BCEQU:01 List of Bin Codes that are good die (comma or space delimited) REFPX: x-coord of reference die (optional) REFPY: y-coord of reference die (optional) DUTMS:mm die units of measurement (mm or mil) DIECT:3405 the number of die in the map file (optional) XDIES:2.945 step along X YDIES:2.945 step along Y COMMENT: sample a string used to annotate the file (optional) If the BCEQU: field is missing or blank, the default understanding is that die 01 is considered to be the PASS die. Row Data Following the header is row data. It is identified by the keyword RowData: Here are the various hex values one will find in the row data: 00-0A good die (each die type gets its own unique identifier starting at 00, 01, 02 ...) reserve 0A for the die at wafer center. 0B-F0 bad die __ no die (underscore-underscore) used as a placeholder in the matrix. @@ uninspected die FD-FE edge die (optional) FF reference die (typically a die that is visually different) Row data lines look like this: |
RowData:__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 RowData:__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 RowData:__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 Reference Die There are two ways of locating the reference die: a) a die marked with bin code FF. b) The coordinate system when ![]() Note: Notice that the X and Y array index starts at 1,1; most other map files consider the starting position to be 0,0. Failing to note this could result in alignment off by 1 die in X and Y. |
3 Digit SINFWe're calling this 3 Digit SINF since it looks very similar to SINF but has 3 digit bin ID's and three underscores to hold the empty positions. The header appears to be identical to SINF header. RowData:___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 000 000 000 000 000 000 RowData:___ ___ ___ 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 RowData:___ ___ 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 RowData:___ ___ 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 RowData:___ ___ 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 As you can see, instead of 00 they this sample uses 000 to ID each die. It is not even clear if hex numbers are supported or only 0-9 since we have no spec - just this single example. UPDATE MAY 22, 2019 Artwork has received information from a foundry and OSAT who use 3 Digit SINF of the following guidelines. However these guidelines are not necessarily formal standards. Tower Semiconductor (Foundry)
Amkor Technology (OSAT)
1 Digit No PaddingThis version has only a single digit ID and it has spaces (i.e. no specific empty cell symbol) where we would expect any empty cell symbol. This means that the program will read the header to get the number of rows. It uses * to indicate a partial or edge die. There are no spaces delimiting each die position. Q=6771 X=50000 Y=50000 D=200 R=95 C=94 P=0 O=90 F=1 L=1 A=0 S=0 I=1 K=1 M=0 BINS= 1 2 3 4 5 6 ************** ******XXXXXXXXXXXX****** ****XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX**** ***XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX**** ***XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX*** **XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX*** **XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX*** |
1 Digit TSMCThis map format gets its name because it has only one digit bin code and it originates from the foundry TSMC. Header The first few lines consist of header information. However this information is not very useful as it does not contain the die size/units or the location of the reference die. TSMC <== the first line identifies the file as coming from TSMC TM7 020A <== the second line is the TSMC product name DA8115-01 <== the third line is the wafer ID DA811501.TSM <== the fourth line is the map file name The header is followed by bin data. X = Bad Die @ = good die failed visual inspection . = null die (or a non-tested die & = reference die (good) ? = reference die (bad) 0-9 and A-Z indicate good die ...........11111111111X........... .........1X11111X11XIX1XX......... .......1X11111111111111XXlX....... ......X1111111111111111111XX...... .....1X111X1111X1111111X111IX..... ....X1111111111111111XllllllXX.... ...XX11111111111lX111111X1111XX... ...X11111111111111111X11111111X... ..XlX111111111111XlX111111111111X. .X111111111111111111111111111111.. .X111X11X11X11X111111X1111111111X. The array is presented with the wafer flat on the bottom (6 o'clock) |
ASYA single digit map file with a limited header. This map format is supported only by v2 of WafermapConvert. We don't know what equipment generates this type of map data. Header Flat_Notch : Down Location of the flat or notch (0=bottom) Product A0000A Product (aka Device) ID Lot A200000 Wafer Lot Number Wafer 01 Wafer Number Date 2017-11-17 10:18 Date Probed (guessing) Number of good dies 13199 Good Die count Good die = Bin 1,Bin 1 Bin Code for Good Die Reference die = M reference die marked with bin code M Nlines: 145 number of rows in the array Ncols: 120 number of columns in the array Map Section The header is followed by the map. ...........................................FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.................................... .....................................1111111111111111111111111................................ ...................................F111111111111111111111111111111............................ .................................F111111111111111111111111111111111111........................ ..............................F1111111111111111111111111111111111111111....................... ............................F11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111..................... ..........................11F111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.................... ..........................111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111F11.................... ..........................1111111111111111111111111F1111111111111111111111.................... |
SINF XMLThis variation has the SINF data encoded into the XML format. This enables the database to actually define the ID's used for null die, skip die and test die. Other information is embedded into a header. Below you can see a sample of the row data. <row>..................................11111111111...................................</row> <row>............................11111111111111111111111.............................</row> <row>........................1111111111111111111111111111111.........................</row> <row>.....................1111111111XXX1XXXX1XXXX1XXX1111111111......................</row> <row>...................11111111XX1XXXX1XXXX1XXXX1XXXX1XX11111111....................</row> <row>................1111111X1XXXX1XXXX1XXXX1XXXX1XXXX1XXXX1X1111111.................</row> This may not be an "official" XML formatted SINF file. |
WWFThis format was developed by Texas Instruments. Details ... Header FACILITY=OEMNAME Facility ID LOT=99XXX.1 Lot ID DEVICE=CMD252EUBMB4 Device ID WAFERS=01 Number of Wafers in this file X_SIZE=123.228 Die Size in X (units appear to be mils Y_SIZE=123.228 Die Size in Y (units appear to be mils SCRIBE="BOTTOM,15,NTRL,FAB" Location of scribed data? WAFER_SIZE=150 Wafer diameter in mm STATUS="PROD" Status USER="NOINK" User or user defined info BIN_NAME.01="G,WQLPASS" Bin category BIN_NAME.09="WQLFAIL" Bin category This is followed by a section called a shot map. This is a listing of all die. Notice that for each Y row (ranging from -21 to 20) there is a "list" of X locations. SHOT_MAP="Y-21 12/31 Y-20 10/33 Y-19 9/34 Y-18 8/35 Y-17 7/36 Y-16 6/37 Y-15 5/38 Y-14 4/39 Y-13 3/40 Y-12 3/40 Y-11 2/41 Y-10 2/41 Y-9 1/42 Y-8 1/42 Y-7 1/42 Y-6 0/43 Y-5 0/43 Y-4 0/43 Y-3 0/19 24/43 Y-2 0/19 24/43 Y-1 1/19 24/42 Y0 1/19 24/42 Y1 1/42 Y2 1/42 Y3 1/42 Y4 1/42 Y5 1/42 Y6 1/42 Y7 2/41 Y8 2/41 Y9 3/40 Y10 3/40 Y11 4/39 Y12 5/38 Y13 5/38 Y14 6/37 Y15 7/36 Y16 8/35 Y17 10/33 Y18 11/32 Y19 13/30 Y20 16/27" Now the wafer population is defined, the number of bins is declared and a BIN (previously defined) referred to. That is followed by all the die positions belonging to this bin. WAFERID.01=LG991-01-E4 NUM_BINS.01=02 BIN_COUNT.01.01=01313 MAP_XY.01.01="Y-21 12/18 20/28 30/31 Y-20 10/12 15/33 Y-19 9/34 Y-18 8/13 16/35 Y-17 7/13 16/22 24/27 29/35 Y-16 6/13 15/37 Y-15 5/8 10/13 16/31 33/37 Y-14 4/13 16/39 Y-13 4/13 16/26 28/40 Y-12 4/12 16/40 Y-11 2/5 7 9/12 16/41 Y-10 2/8 10/13 16 18/24 26/37 39/41 Y-9 1/13 16/42 Y-8 1/13 17/42 Y-7 2/13 17/25 27/42 Y-6 0/13 17/43 Y-5 0/13 18/43 Y-4 0/14 17/43 Y-3 0/7 9/14 17/19 24/43 Y-2 0/14 17 19 24/41 43 Y-1 1 3/5 7/11 13/17 19 26/29 31/42 Y0 2/10 17 36/42 Y1 1/11 23 27/31 38/42 Y2 1/2 4/10 14 19 21/22 24 26/42 Y3 1/2 4/10 12/21 23/32 35/42 Y4 1/2 4/14 16/19 21/29 31 33/42 Y5 1/2 4/42 Y6 1/2 4/17 19/23 25 27/42 Y7 2 4/25 27/41 Y8 2/17 19/41 Y9 4/40 Y10 4/13 15/18 20/23 25/29 31/36 38/40 Y11 4/31 33/39 Y12 5/12 14/38 Y13 5/25 27/38 Y14 6/16 18/37 Y15 7/9 11/29 31/34 36 Y16 8/16 18 20/27 29/35 Y17 10/33 Y18 11 13/29 31/32 Y19 13 15/21 23 25/30 Y20 16/19 21/24 26/27" The next bin is enumerated followed by all the die positions belonging to this bin. BIN_COUNT.01.09=00165 MAP_XY.01.09="Y-21 19 29 Y-20 13/14 Y-18 14/15 Y-17 14/15 23 28 36 Y-16 14 Y-15 9 14/15 32 38 Y-14 14/15 Y-13 3 14/15 27 Y-12 3 13/15 Y-11 6 8 13/15 Y-10 9 14/15 17 25 38 Y-9 14/15 Y-8 14/16 Y-7 1 14/16 26 Y-6 14/16 Y-5 14/17 Y-4 15/16 Y-3 8 15/16 Y-2 15/16 18 42 Y-1 2 6 12 18 24/25 30 Y0 1 11/16 18/19 24/35 Y1 12/22 24/26 32/37 Y2 3 11/13 15/18 20 23 25 Y3 3 11 22 33/34 Y4 3 15 20 30 32 Y5 3 Y6 3 18 24 26 Y7 3 26 Y8 18 Y9 3 Y10 3 14 19 24 30 37 Y11 32 Y12 13 Y13 26 Y14 17 Y15 10 30 35 Y16 17 19 28 Y18 12 30 Y19 14 22 24 Y20 20 25" The file is closed with an END. END. |
XML Micron ExampleMicron provides an example of a One-Wafer-Lot Map File in document TN0021.pdf. It is based on SEMI G81-0703 Specification for Map Data Items and G85-0703 Specification for Map Data Format. A portion is shown below (has been edited to fit on the page ...) <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <Maps> <Map xmlns="" SubstrateId="123456705F2" SubstrateType="Wafer" FormatRevision="SEMI G85-0703" > <Device Rows="35" LotId="1234567.111" BinType="ASCII" Columns="40" MapType="Array" NullBin="0" ProductId="MT*" WaferSize="200" CreateDate="20050117093925000" DeviceSizeX="4800.60" DeviceSizeY="5484.12" MicronLotId="1234567.111" Orientation="0" SupplierName="Micron Technology, Inc." OriginLocation="2" > <ReferenceDevice ReferenceDeviceX="27" ReferenceDeviceY="34" /> <Bin BinCode="G" BinCount="830" BinQuality="Pass" /> <Bin BinCode="X" BinCount="255" BinQuality="Fail" /> <Data> <Row><![CDATA[00000000000000XXXXGXXGGGXX00000000000000]]></Row> <Row><![CDATA[000000000000XXXGGXXGXGGXGGGX000000000000]]></Row> <Row><![CDATA[0000000000XGXGGGGGGGGXXXGGGGGX0000000000]]></Row> <Row><![CDATA[00000000GGGGGXGGGGGXGXGGGGGXGGXX00000000]]></Row> <Row><![CDATA[000000XGXGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG0000000]]></Row> </Data> </Device> </Map> </Maps> Here is Micron's definitions of the various Map File attributes and definitions:
TI/NSCThis format is unusual in that it organizes the die locations by Bin code and provides a list of rows (Y) and a range of columns (X). This makes it a bit more difficult to parse but nothing insurmountable. Header DEVICE=XXXX1111XXXX LAYOUT=NONE LOT=123123123 USER="DSORT" X_SIZE=050.000 die size (in mils,apparently) Y_SIZE=050.000 WAFER_SIZE=150 wafer diameter (in mm, apparently) SCRIBE="RIGHT,15,NTRL,FAB" some info (not clear) about reference die position? STATUS="PROD" BIN_NAME.01="G,GOOD" device bin BIN_NAME.08="HOLES" device bin BIN_NAME.09="REJECT" device bin BIN_NAME.10="EDGE" device bin WAFERS=01 WAFERID.01=X-11111-Y-222 NUM_BINS.01=04 Die Positions Notice that all the die of one bin type are listed in a group. The Y value denotes a row number and X is either a single die or range of die. BIN_COUNT.01.01=09536 MAP_XY.01.01="Y-11 19/59 Y-10 13/61 Y-9 11/63 Y-8 9/65 Y-7 7/66 Y-6 6/68 Y-5 4/67 69 Y-4 3/71 Y-3 2/72 Y-2 0/73 Y-1 0/54 62/74 Y0 0/53 63/75 Y1 -3/11 13/52 63/76 Y2 -4/52 64/77 Y3 -5/52 64/78 Y4 -5/52 64/79 Y5 -6/52 64/80 Y6 -7/52 64/81 Y7 -8/53 63/81 Y8 -8/53 62/82 Y9 -9/55 61/83 Y10 -10/29 31/84 Y11 -10/84 Y12 -11/22 24/27 29/85 Y13 -12/27 29/30 32 34/85 Y14 -12/26 28/86 Y15 -13/23 25/86 Y16 -13/33 35/87 Y17 -14/87 Y18 -14/88 Y19 -14/31 33 35/88 Y20 -15/89 Y21 -15/89 Y22 -15/32 34/89 Y23 -16/90 Y24 -16/90 Y25 -16/33 35/90 Y26 -17/0 2/91 Y27 -17/91 Y28 -17/91 |
Tokyo Seimitsu/Accretch UF3000 Wafer Probing MachineThis binary file format follows the A-PM-90A / UF series of probers from Tokyo Seimitsu Co. Ltd. The binary file is divided into three sections: a header, test results per die and Line Category per die. There seems to be alternative architectures characterized as: normal, 250,000 chip and 256 Multi. The fields that are of interest to us when extracting data from this binary file are: Device Name: alphanumeric Wafer Size: a list of available sizes (in inches and mm) Index Size X in units of 0.01 um Index Size Y in units of 0.01 um Flat Orientation (in degrees) Map Version: 0,1,2,3,4 Map row size: Map line size: (probably mean column size) Wafer ID: alphanumeric X coordinate positive direction Y coordinate positive direction Type of Reference Die: Wafer Center Die, Target Sense Die, Teaching Die Target Die X (measured from wafer center in units of 0.01 um) Target Die Y (measured from wafer center in units of 0.01 um) Reference Die Index (X) Reference Die Index (Y) Probing Start Position (UL,LL, UR, LR) Probing Direction: Test Die Data Address Offset: (Hex) The actual results by die is stored as an array of groups of 6 bytes (3 words) starting at the offset address. Encoded into these words are X and Y index position of the die and category data. UF3000 Data Dump Utility During development of the UF3000 binary parser, it was helpful to output every defined field to a simple ASCII readout. We could then attempt to interpret the meaning of the field as the documentation was extremely terse and translated from Japanese. Our users can access this dump function from the command line engine as detailed here. |
Additional FormatsOur understanding is that there are hundreds of different wafer map formats out there. We can add support for more formats as they are made available to us. If you have a format you need supported please contact: Steve DiBartolomeo Applications Manager Steve DiBartolomeo |
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